Some may think achieving a natural wood finish is impossible. The fact is that when you are restoring a wooden floor, you can select the finish you like the most. Not everyone’s taste is the same and it is therefore important to approach each job individually.
A Natural Wood Finish for this Parquet Floor
When a wood finish has deteriorated it is likely that you will no longer see the natural wood grain. You will likely have forgotten what your wood floors can look like. There is nothing more beautiful than a natural wood finish and this project is an exceptional example of this.
The parquet floor runs throughout the entirety of the downstairs of this beautiful home. The first images are a wonderful example of how uneven a parquet floor can look over time. This unevenness spreads throughout the individual parquet boards as well as overall. Our client was ecstatic to hear that this undulation could be fixed with our wood floor restoration service.
It is extremely important to make any wood repairs prior to starting the floor sanding process. As you can imagine this is a very time-consuming element of the process. However, it is undoubtedly one that will support the success or failure of your project.
When discussing a wood finish, a lacquer with a matt finish was suggested. This offers our clients everything they want for their newly restored parquet flooring. While every project means a lot to us, the extensive nature of this parquet floor really does make such a characterful statement. The floor is almost unrecognisable on completion.
We complete a huge range of parquet floor restoration projects and our work spread over Warwickshire, Leicestershire, Solihull, The Midlands and Worcestershire. We are incredibly proud of each wood floor restoration project we complete. Get in touch today to request a quotation on 07716 212907.
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